At the Huddersfield Wing Chun School we teach the full wing chun system. All of the Forms are taught in detail, from Siu Lim Tau to the Wooden Dummy and upwards.
We teach and train Chi Sau at all levels as we believe this is key to success in your training, therefore it is not reserved for ‘advanced or senior’ students. We also provide a full grading syllabus which helps students to develop and monitor their progress.
These brief descriptions provide an insight into what we do at the weekly Huddersfield Wing Chun classes, and how we train in this exciting martial art.
Chi Sau
Chi Sau or ‘sticking hands’ is a training method that is unique to Wing Chun. It is a close range, physical game (similar to grappling) which allows practitioners to explore and understand Wing Chun in its entirety. Utilising correct stance, footwork, defence and attack, structure, energy, trapping and multiple strikes, it teaches you to feel and understand your opponent’s force and power, flowing with it or crashing through it at any given moment, depending on what the situation presents.
Simply put, Chi Sau is a way of transferring a street situation into a game format in order to develop your skills. However, it is important you always remember that Chi Sau is a game which should be played, allowing you to relax, experiment and develop correct technique.
Chi Sau allows Wing Chun to become part of the practitioner’s natural reflexes, requiring no active conscious thought when defending and attacking. Instead, when practiced at an advanced level, Chi Sau allows the practitioner to be totally in the moment, neither concerned about the future or the past, instead, their Wing Chun flows freely through them. By this we mean that it allows the old saying to be true; ’when I hit, I don’t hit, it hits’.
Because Chi Sau encompasses every aspect of Wing Chun it can and should be practiced at every level of your training from beginner to advanced and beyond. For this reason it is not kept exclusively for advanced students, instead it is practiced by all students at all levels and makes up a large part of our Wing Chun training at the school.
Forms are set patterns of movements which can be practiced alone. They teach us the principles of Wing Chun and help us to develop muscle memory, correct position, structure and energy.
All students are encouraged to train in their own time. It is important to drill the basics of Wing Chun and practice your forms at home if you want to progress.
Siu lim tau – Little idea form (1st form)
Chum kiu – Bridging the gap (2nd form)
Biu gee– Thrusting fingers (3rd Form)
Muk yan jong fat – Wooden dummy form
Bart Jam dao – Eight cutting broadswords (knife form)
Luk deem boon kwon – Six & a half point pole
Drills and Techniques
Are practiced with a training partner in order to help develop muscle memory and reactions. They provide an opportunity to focus on a single aspect of training. These are just a few!
Dan chi Sau -Single sticking arm
Lap Sau– Pulling hand
Pak Sau– Slapping hand
Chi Gurk – Sticking legs
Sarm Bok Mar– Three point stepping
Free flow
This is the bridge between Chi Sau and a ‘street’ situation. Free flow is a form of controlled, non-padded ‘sparring’ which allows the practitioner to attack and defend against one or several training partners without the luxury of an established contact.
Although we will challenge you to push yourself it is important that you are comfortable with the level of free flow you are training. We would expect students to build up to multiple attacks and attackers.